CHA's 5th Anniversary Edition –
Guiding Principles for Global Health Activities
» Download a PDF and watch for a video of the new Parable in Times of Pandemic in early 2021.
WHO Twinning Partnerships for Improvement
Twinning Partnerships for Improvement (TPI) supports long-term efforts on quality of care. This is important in achieving Universal Health Coverage and resilient health systems.
The TPI model is based on a 6-step cycle which begins when two partners agree on the establishment of the partnership. TPI then guides the partners through a systematic process to set the areas for improvement, develop an action plan and then evaluate the activities conducted.
» Access the TPI resources
WHO Guidance for Coronavirus Disease
This link provides technical guidance by topic including: Country Readiness, Patient Management, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Points of Entry / Mass Gatherings, Surveillance and Case Definitions, Infection Prevention and Control / WASH, Disease Commodity Package, Laboratory Guidance and Reduction of Transmission from Animals to Humans. » Access the guidance
Brocher Declaration for Appropriate Short-term Engagements
CHA has worked with Advocacy for Global Health Partnerships (AGHP) and supports the Brocher Declaration. Read the declaration. As such, we hope you too will support the declaration, and as appropriate, extend the call on the international community to make every effort to maximize the value and minimize the harm of short-term engagements in global health.
» Read and sign the support form
SDG Good Practices — A compilation of success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation (First Edition)
The publication presents 16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Good Practices from across the globe, received in response to the first open call for good practices, success stories and lessons learned in SDG implementation, promoted by UN DESA between 2018 and 2019.
As the world pursues a transformative recovery from COVID-19 and embarks on the Decade of Action for accelerating the implementation of the SDGs, it is hoped that these examples provide inspiration to governments and stakeholders in their efforts to address crisis, reduce the risk of future potential emergencies and deliver on the ambitious and inclusive vision of the 2030 Agenda.
» Access the publication
Second Open Call for SDG Good Practices, Success Stories and Lessons Learned in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
A second open call for SDG good practices, success stories and lessons learned in the implementation of 2030 Agenda is now open through Feb. 28, 2021. The purpose of this call is to highlight examples of good practices, including those that could be replicated or scaled-up by others across the globe.
» More information
November 2020 CHA Global Health Networking Call Links
- World Health Organization – Katthyana Genevieve Aparicio Reyes
- University of Notre Dame, Pulte Institute for Global Development – Edward Jurkovic
- Catholic Medical Mission Board – Mary Beth Powers
- Catholic Relief Services – Scott LeFevre
- Global Water 2020 – Hank Habicht
- Medicines for Humanity – Kristen Fanfant
CHA is a resource for you
Please note, as you connect with partners, discuss missed medical trips or added surplus shipments, online education or even future plans, feel free to share any information or insights you gain with me. If I can provide assistance or additional information, please feel free to contact me.
Bruce Compton
Senior Director, Global Health
Catholic Health Association of the United States