International Outreach Update
June 2019
We would like to share with you upcoming events, resources and points of interest related to International Outreach. For additional information, please contact Bruce Compton, CHA senior director of International Outreach.
CHA International Outreach Networking Conference Call
Aug. 7, 2019, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET
If you have a program topic you would like to highlight (5 minutes) or open for group discussion, please be sure to email me directly or speak up during the open forum.
More details and dial-in information can be found here.
Follow-up to Joint Global Summit
The Joint Global Summit: Compassion, Ethics, and Excellence in Global Health, hosted by The Task Force for Global Health's MedSurplus Alliance (MSA) and the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), in May, aimed to further the conversation on how core values guide health professionals in making ethical decisions and creating lasting impact. It brought together an array of 26 speakers and workshop presenters from the ethics, public health, corporate, government, medical missions and medical supplies sectors. Read a summary of the meeting.
CHA has been asked by one of our members for samples of policies, MOUs and other documents related to partnerships in global health. If you have samples that you are willing to share, please sent them to Anna Weston by July 10 to meet this particular request.
Annals of Global Health Special Collection
Short Term Experiences in Global Health (STEGHs): Urgent Need for a Legal and Ethical Framework
Published in the Annals of Global Health, this Special Collection examines Short Term Experiences in Global Health (STEGHs) with particular emphasis on their ethical and legal framework. The collection is anchored by an analysis by Virginia Rowthorn and colleagues, and the theme is elaborated further in essays by Larry Gostin, Keith Martin, Michael Rozier and Andrea Vicini. Launched in June, the collection is available here.
Global Health Article: "The activists trying to 'decolonize' global health"
BERLIN – Earlier this year, students from Harvard University's school of public health, spurred by a curriculum they found short on political and historical context, organized a conference on "decolonizing" global health. Selling out in just five days, it tapped into rising discussions on the issue. Access the article.
Global Health Article: "Inside Gang Territory in Honduras"
SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras — Three sharp cracks rang out, followed by three more in quick succession. The thoroughfare emptied. Two old men ducked behind a corrugated fence. A taxi jerked onto a side street. A mother shoved her barefooted toddler indoors. The shooter, an MS-13 gunman in a tank top and black baseball cap, stood calmly on the corner in broad daylight, the only person left on the commercial strip. He stuck the gun in his waistband and watched the neighborhood shake in terror. Access the article.
A Prayer for South Sudan Commemorating Independence Day, July 9
God of Peace,
St. Francis prayed, "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace."
And so do we.
Make us instruments of your peace.
Allow instruments of peace to rise up in South Sudan
And flourish all over your world:
instruments of peace who offer stability, safety, and justice;
that bring joy and hope;
that foster hearts of reconciliation, mercy, and love.
» Access the full prayer
Allow your prayer to lead you to action on behalf of the people of South Sudan:
From Darkness to Light – A Prayer in A Time of Disaster
Loving God,
At the beginning of Creation, You calmed the chaos of the world. Be present now to those whose lives are suddenly filled with chaos. Grant them the grace of calm in the midst of confusion. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayer.
» Access the full prayer
Featured Quote from Pope Francis
What is needed is precisely a conversion, a 'turning around,' that is, a transformation of hearts and minds. Striving to overcome problems such as hunger and food insecurity, persistent social and economic distress, the degradation of ecosystems, and a 'culture of waste' calls for a renewed ethical vision, one that places persons at the center, desiring to leave no one on the margins of life. A vision which unites rather than divides, includes rather than excludes." Read entire address.
- Pope Francis, Address to participants in the International Conference of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, June 8, 2019