Easter Reflections

Christ is Risen! He is risen, indeed!

While historically it is Advent and Lent which have been the focus of our liturgical reflection offerings, for the very first time, CHA is thrilled to offer a reflection series for the season of Easter. This 50-day season is, in fact, one of the longest of the Church's liturgical seasons, and rightly so. The trying journey of Jesus's Passion and Death in Lent has, for many of us, felt interminable. Perhaps, it has felt as though it has endured for years. Yet, renewal and joy are abundant all around if we take the time to look. In the season of Easter, we celebrate not only the mystery of Jesus's resurrection over death in his own time, but we celebrate also how the miraculous event lives on into our own time, too. Theologian M. Shawn Copeland writes, "Even as resurrection characterizes the destiny of Jesus, it is not a private destiny intended for him alone; it is the beginning of the absolute transformation of all creation."

As you pray with these reflections each week, pay attention to the many large and small ways you are being called to transformation in your own life. How does your own personal transformation translate to the good of the world? This Easter season, like the disciples on Easter morning, may our weary souls find compassion and hope in the least likely of places, and may we be offered renewal in our welcoming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

2022 Easter Reflection Author

Ann M. Garrido, D.Min., is associate professor of homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, and a consultant with Triad Consulting Group, a conflict mediation and communications team based in Cambridge, Mass. She is the author of numerous books and articles in the field of church leadership and ministry.