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See how others are building health equity

The We Are Called Presentation Library features short, informative videos from CHA members highlighting best practices, successful programs and broad initiatives in the work of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Member Presentation Library

Confronting Racism by Achieving Health Equity

Racism within any context is an affront to the core values of Catholic social teaching, which acknowledges the inherent dignity of each person, calls for the furthering of the common good and seeks justice through solidarity. Catholic health care recognizes the profound effect racism has on the health and well-being of individuals and communities and is committed to addressing the systemic causes of health disparities among underserved and vulnerable populations. As such, we are committed to working with partners who share these convictions to implement wide-sweeping change and eliminate the racial inequities in our marginalized communities.

Pledge Participants

These Catholic Health Association member ministries have committed to integrating the principles and recommendations of CHA’s Confronting Racism by Achieving Health Equity Pledge by joining together in the We Are Called Initiative.


Health Equity Stories

At the heart of the Catholic health ministry is the belief that every person is a treasure, every life a sacred gift, every human being a unity of body, mind, and spirit. We invite you to learn more about the ministry's commitment to achieving health equity by reading our collection of articles on these issues.


Pledge Pillars

As Pope Francis states, “We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to de-fend the sacredness of every human life.” Learn more about the pillars of the We Are Called Pledge endorsed by CHA’s Board of Trustees on July 27, 2020.


“We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.”

— Pope Francis