
Our Well-Being: Gaining a New Perspective on Life and Faith Through Post-Traumatic Growth

Sept. 8, 2021 – Noon to 1:30 p.m. ET
Oct. 6, 2021 – Noon to 1:30 p.m. ET

"A pandemic, … while it has caused discomfort for some and terrible tragedy for others, the call within its presence is to see it as a portal to a new level of faith that ‘normal life,’ with its comfort and routine, might not offer us.  In other words, the pandemic is calling us to gain a new perspective on life and faith."

- Dr. Robert J. Wicks, presenter for Webinar I, from Posttraumatic Growth and the Spirituality of Suffering | USCCB

The health care ministry is emotionally demanding and logistically rigorous. The everyday, all day nature of hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics and community engagement creates heavy and burdensome workloads that can take a toll on the well-being of those who serve. Then add a pandemic.

But we know, Catholic health care sees individuals as a combination of body, mind and spirit, giving attention to their patients' well-being and also that of their own associates and caregivers. However, more attention is needed. Well-being can affect a health care organization's ability to provide the best and safest patient care, retain talent and uphold the mission for providing quality, compassionate wholistic care to each and every person they serve.

Join Us to Remember, Acknowledge, Celebrate and Forge a New Perspective
CHA is hosting a webinar series to lift up and remember what has transpired, acknowledge the immensity of the pandemic and our ministry's response, celebrate the transformation taking place to serve our communities through and beyond the pandemic, and foster a new perspective — one that shares a sense of Hope based on our tradition; one that comes from harnessing the post-traumatic growth opportunity that exists for our associates and caregivers today.

  • Think you are not in need of any well-being assists? Maybe you are not, but, think about your co-workers, family and friends. What can you learn that you can share, that in the end, might also benefit you?
  • Wasn't it just front-line workers who really experienced the trauma of this time? Health care across the globe has been greatly impacted by the pandemic. No one was left unscathed. Shortages, deaths, even layoffs and the end to routine programs and activities have all taken their toll. From the boardroom to the service line workers to volunteers and those serving residents and trying to connect them to families, we all have gone through a lot. This series will speak to us all.
  • Can't make the date and time? Don't worry, we're recording them, but you should register in order to receive a recording in your inbox. In order not to miss out on the dialogue and interaction, try to make the live events.

Best Practices for Well-Being: Hope and Resilience for the Future

Session II in the Our Well-Being: Gaining a New Perspective on Life and Faith through Post Traumatic Growth series

Oct. 6, 2021 – Noon – 1:30 p.m. ET

View the webinar recording (member login required)

The pandemic has impacted health care and our world dramatically. It’s effect on associate well-being is top-of-mind — for all of us. The good news is that organizations are increasingly focusing on well-being, prioritizing strategies and tactics to support people more holistically. This event will share practices from top companies, not only health care and open a discussion about well-being best practices.

Tracy Brower, Ph.D., a sociologist studying work-life fulfillment and happiness, will address the well-being mindset to the methodologies and more. She’ll share new perspectives, fascinating research and fresh viewpoints about well-being and a hopeful view of our resilience for the future. She is the author of The Secrets to Happiness at Work and Bring Work to Life. She is a principal with Steelcase’s Applied Research + Consulting group and a contributor to Forbes.com and Fast Company.

Dr. Brower will be joined by Arpan Waghray, MD, the system director for behavioral medicine at Swedish Health Services, and Carol R. Filkins, M.S., CHWC, who serves in mission integration as coordinator, ministry formation, for Ascension St. Vincent Indiana, who will share practices and have an open dialogue with Dr. Brower with plenty of chat interaction for registrants.

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The Heart of Hope: Cultivating Post Traumatic Growth

Session I in the Our Well-Being: Gaining a New Perspective on Life and Faith through Post Traumatic Growth series

Sept. 8, 2021, from Noon – 1:30 p.m. ET

View webinar recording

National expert Dr. Robert Wicks will headline this 90-minute engaging virtual event to lead participants through a discussion on the psychological winter solstice where we find ourselves, to seeing the pinpricks of light that exist and how post traumatic growth is possible. He will also share about the personal and systemic dangers to our well-being and what can be done to overcome them.

Be with your heart during this session that will position this place in time by remembering and acknowledging what we've gone through and what the cost has been to our well-being as well as celebrate moments of loving care, peace and heroic efforts.

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Dr. Robert Wicks
Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Counseling
Loyola University Maryland

Who Should Attend?

This series of webinars is intended for …

Mission, well-being, clinical, HR, administration leaders as well as those working across the continuum of care.

Everyone is invited!