To Walk Humbly

"All I ask of you is this: act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God."
— Micah 6:8

"To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances, to seek him is the greatest of all adventures, and to find him is the greatest human achievement."
— Trappist proverb


Lord, as we gather here, we listen to the words of the prophet Micah calling us to action, calling us to walk humbly with you. "Solvitur ambulando," the ancient Romans used to say: "It is solved by walking." In our own lives, we have known this to be true. So many days, we do not know at the outset of our journey what the answer will be. All is not clear before us. But in the walking, you draw near. In the experience of doing, your will is revealed. It would be easier to postpone decisions till we have all the answers; it would feel more comfortable not to act until the road before us is paved. But, this is what you ask of us: to be humble, to embrace the adventure, and walk. And so we pray:

In the debate and discussion we undertake here, Lord….

Show us what it means to walk humbly with you.

In our interactions with one another.

Show us what it means to walk humbly with you

In all our Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, and health systems, Lord…

Show us what it means to walk humbly with you.

Hear our plea, O Lord, and answer this cry of our hearts. Bless our work this day, illuminating it each step of the way. Do not leave us to our own devices, Lord, as we face the many challenges of Catholic health care, but rather draw near and walk beside us. We ask in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit:

Show us what it means to walk humbly with you.

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