
Below are links to information on the programs and support being provided from Catholic agencies and partners. The USAID CIDI links are very helpful in clarifying that cash donations have the greatest impact. The "unsolicited donations" link explains how the incredible inefficiency, waste and well-intentioned mistakes that can occur with direct contributions of medical supplies, equipment, and other materials.
Ukrainian President Zelensky has asked the international community to pledge new funding to help the country survive winter and restore access to health care services in recently recaptured territories. CHA encourages our members and other Catholic organizations to consider the best practice-based recommendation of sending cash instead of supplies and working directly with a trusted partner organization in Ukraine. While always well-intentioned, unsolicited in-kind donations from our surplus often slow supply chains, cost money to store and take valuable time from aid workers to process. Cash donations can be used for precisely what is needed, preventing waste and helping to provide a much-needed stimulus to local economies during times of crisis.

Live from Ukraine ICMC and HSHS - Webinar Recording Oct. 2023

Today's Way of the Cross: Catholic Response for Ukraine - Recording April 4, 2023

Upcoming Events

Be sure to check our Calendar of Events for a full listing of upcoming events.

CHA Podcasts on Ukraine

Visiting Ukraine: An On-the-Ground Look at the Catholic Response

Catholic Response for Ukraine

In a two-part episode series of CHA's podcast, Health Calls, we discuss the Catholic response to the crisis in Ukraine.

Catholic Response for Ukraine - Part 1

Catholic Response for Ukraine - Part 2


How Healthcare Can Help International Relief and Recovery: A Case on Ukraine
Ukraine Reflection Video

Previous Events

Webinar: How Healthcare Can Help International Relief and Recovery:
A Case on Ukraine

As the invasion in Ukraine wages on, many healthcare leaders and organizations have looked for ways to provide support. For those who want to help, it can be difficult to sort through the numerous mechanisms for providing support to determine how to make the biggest positive impact. 

Hear from leaders from the Catholic Health Association, U.S. Agency for International Relief, and Catholic Relief Services discuss specifics on this current crisis while they draw on lessons learned and best practices to provide helpful guidance on how the health care community can contribute significantly toward present and future humanitarian relief efforts to promote successful sustainability and recovery.
View the recording

How Healthcare Can Help International Relief and Recovery: A Case on Ukraine
On May 18, CHA and ACHE held a webinar where participants heard from international experts from CHA, CRS, and USAID regarding how individuals and organizations within health care can best provide support to Ukraine through the ongoing humanitarian crisis and beyond. Leaders discussed specifics on this current crisis and drew on lessons learned and best practices to provide helpful guidance on how the health care community can contribute significantly toward present and future humanitarian relief efforts to promote successful sustainability and recovery.
View the recording

CHA Global Health Special Networking Zoom on Ukraine

The March 4 Zoom meeting CHA hosted linked our members to important partner relief organizations. Much information and insights were offered.
View the recording

Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, Georgetown University
War in Ukraine; Human Agony, Global Crisis, Moral Principles

A dialogue about the serious policy questions and moral choices regarding the obligations, directions and dangers for the United States and other nations to help bring understanding to this appalling crisis, its escalating human costs and its ongoing moral choices. Presenters include Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J.,interim prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development; Archbishop Borys Gudziak,metropolitan archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainian Catholics in the United States, the head of the Department of External Church Relations for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the president of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv; Laurie Johnston,associate professor of theology and religious studies at Emmanuel College and executive vice president of the Sant'Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue; Gerard O'Connell,Vatican correspondent for America; and Tetiana Stawnychy,president of Caritas Ukraine and the former director of the subcommittee on Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
View the recording